Saturday, January 3, 2009

Date Night

Our first date... well our first date since Nolan arrived. Friday night we enjoyed a night out at the movies, our first night out in a long time just the two of us. I miss it just being the two of us, don't get me wrong, Nolan is the best thing that's happened to us, but sometimes I just miss those moments. Moments not having to worry about: keeping Nolan entertained, finding a place to change him, warming up his bottle, feeding him in the restaurant, burping him in the restaurant (hoping the over the shoulder method doesn't result in excess milk on the people behind us), and all the other things we have to do in order to keep him happy. Aunt Heather and Uncle Chris took him for a couple hours while we went and saw Marley & Me. The movie played out just as our lives have, marriage first, dog next (Shelby, who sometimes resembles Marley) and then kids. Of course there is more to the movie but I won't ruin it for those who haven't seen it.

Nolan behaved for Aunt Heather, the movie was great, and the time spent with my just my husband was even better! I'm sure there will be more movie nights for us in the future, hopefully ones in which (WARNING SPOILER) I won't cry like a baby.