Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! This has been a wonderful Christmas for us, busy as usual, but thankful for great family and friends to celebrate this special holiday with. This is our first Christmas with Nolan and it was the best we've had yet! I'm sure they'll even get better the older he gets and the larger our family grows. Jeremy and I decided to celebrate Christmas this year at our house, that way we could wake up with Nolan and open presents (even though he was too small to know what was going on). That meant we were in charge of the Christmas dinner :0! Jeremy was determined to make his Grandma Hoeppner's homemade noodles. So Christmas eve he called her to get the recipe. I tried to convince him several times to just buy the frozen ones, but those weren't good enough. We headed to Meijer to get all the fixens (of course beer is a necessity, and a rolling pin as well)!

The noodles are left over night to dry, add chicken broth, chicken bouyon cubes, and yellow food coloring
Then the finished product!This was the first time I cooked a spiral ham, actually this was the first time I cooked a ham at all! The meal turned out great!

Grandma and Grandpa Watson joined us later in the morning to open more presents and spend the day with us. Grandma brought wonderful cookies and chocolate chip cheesecake for dessert.

Nolan opening presents with Daddy
Nolan after all his presents are opened from Santa
Nolan started off with ZERO toys before Christmas and now he has tons. I know it'll only get worse!
Nolan testing out his new toys His t-shirt says Santa Rocks, but you couldn't that by the look on his face Grandma and Grandpa Watson Nolan helping Mom and Grandma cook in the kitchenThe next day we traveled to La Porte, IN where we celebrated Christmas with Jeremy's Grandma Hoeppner and all his cousins. Nolan got some more great toys and sleepers. Later that night Jeremy's aunt and cousin came over for a little while to see Nolan and give him more toys! He has been such a spoiled child this Christmas. We're very thankful for all our family and the gifts they've given Nolan, we'll be thankful as well when they keep him busy! Sunday morning we left Grandma Heps and went spend Christmas with Aunt Tiffiney, Uncle Jeremy, and Abby. Abby had a great time opening her gifts, and Nolan got a bunch of great stuff too! Abby and her new motorized bike
Nolan and Grandma Watson opening more presents for him
Nolan and Abby, how we got her to sit her this long I'm not sure!! After Christmas celebration with my side of the family we went back to Grandma Watson's and then woke up early and headed out for my Dad's sister's house in Detroit. Nolan did great for his first "long" road trip. We spent the afternoon with my aunts, uncles, cousins, and Grandma. It was so wonderful to see all of them, they hadn't seen Nolan since the day he was born! We left Detroit, dropped Mom and Dad off in Freemont, IN and headed back to Indy. We got home Monday night around 11pm. It was a long week for all the Christmas' we celebrated, but it was well worth it! Now we have a whole year to recoup and prepare for next year's Christmas.