Friday, January 16, 2009


As most of you know it's nasty cold outside (I need to think of a good word for Jessie's Hectionary to describe the bitter cold we are experiencing here). How about Pipe Freeze? Pipe freeze is when you wake up in the morning and turn on the shower and nothing comes out! That's what happened to us this morning. We tried heating pipes through the wall with a hairdryer, we turned the furnace/water heater room into a sauna and still nothing. We waited it out till the water miraculously turned back on around 3:30 this afternoon! The water was here and we were rejoicing (happy to have the ability to take a shower). In our attempt to lower our gas bill, we invested in a blower for our fireplace. While Handyman (Jeremy) was fixing the fireplace, Nolan and I were upstairs reading books I hear a loud @$&*#@!%$#@ and yell downstairs to see what the problem is. He screams back, bring towels. Bring towels?? I'm not sure why but I run to the linen closet and grab some old towels, down the stairs and as I turn the corner I see the problem... water everywhere, in the bathroom, in the entry way, in the water heater room. At that point I didn't know what to think. A pipe had busted in the wall, water was gushing out of the walls all over. What a nightmare. I just kept thinking what a blessing it was that Jeremy and I stayed home today to work on the pipes, if we weren't there when it happened we would have come home to a house full of water.

Winter... is it over yet?


The Engler Pirtles said...

Oh goodness! I hope the handyman is getting reinforcements to help now. I agree - this cold weather has made itself very unwelcome. Especially at your house! Hope everything is going better now. (I am commenting w/ my blogger account, still, since I have to have a password to do so - just fyi. Still using my new blog, though.)