Sunday, January 18, 2009

22 weeks

So I've decided the saying "they grow so fast" is so true. It seems like just yesterday we brought Nolan home from the hospital and couldn't wait to experience all the new things he was going to do. We were SCARED as hell about the future that was awaiting us, but just as happy to have this little bundle of joy. I'm going to do my best to blog every week with new pictures of Nolan, marking each week "birthday" to capture his changes. This way, when he gets older (and we get older and forget), we can remember him at every stage!


Alysia said...

He is getting so big, I can't believe that he is already 22 weeks old. It is amazing how fast time flies once you have kids:)

We are going to be around all weekend. We have had things going on every weekend and this weekend we are taking it easy. Just give us a call and we can get together. Maybe do dinner??