Monday, January 26, 2009

Dr Appt Update

I took Nolan to the doctor today and they said he had a sinus infection. He's on amoxicillin for the next 10 days! Hopefully that nasty cough and stuffed up nose will go away. They also weighed him, 17lbs 1oz. HOLY CRAP!! He's gained 5 pounds in 7 weeks. He's starting to develop fat rolls on his back and a cottage cheese butt, we make fun of it every time we see it in the mirror! He's has bumped up from the 20th percentile to the 50th percentile. We go in for his 6 month check up and shots in 3 weeks, we'll keep you posted on his growth spurts!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Splish Splash (23 weeks)

Nolan is now 23 weeks old. Tomorrow he goes to the doctor for a raspy cough he's had for the past couple weeks. Other than that he's doing great! He loves to splash me while I'm giving him a bath - We had to move him to the big bath tub this week because he was making a mess all over our bathroom!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Videos

As I mentioned before Nolan just loves Shelby, he thinks she's the funniest thing ever!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

22 weeks

So I've decided the saying "they grow so fast" is so true. It seems like just yesterday we brought Nolan home from the hospital and couldn't wait to experience all the new things he was going to do. We were SCARED as hell about the future that was awaiting us, but just as happy to have this little bundle of joy. I'm going to do my best to blog every week with new pictures of Nolan, marking each week "birthday" to capture his changes. This way, when he gets older (and we get older and forget), we can remember him at every stage!

Friday, January 16, 2009


As most of you know it's nasty cold outside (I need to think of a good word for Jessie's Hectionary to describe the bitter cold we are experiencing here). How about Pipe Freeze? Pipe freeze is when you wake up in the morning and turn on the shower and nothing comes out! That's what happened to us this morning. We tried heating pipes through the wall with a hairdryer, we turned the furnace/water heater room into a sauna and still nothing. We waited it out till the water miraculously turned back on around 3:30 this afternoon! The water was here and we were rejoicing (happy to have the ability to take a shower). In our attempt to lower our gas bill, we invested in a blower for our fireplace. While Handyman (Jeremy) was fixing the fireplace, Nolan and I were upstairs reading books I hear a loud @$&*#@!%$#@ and yell downstairs to see what the problem is. He screams back, bring towels. Bring towels?? I'm not sure why but I run to the linen closet and grab some old towels, down the stairs and as I turn the corner I see the problem... water everywhere, in the bathroom, in the entry way, in the water heater room. At that point I didn't know what to think. A pipe had busted in the wall, water was gushing out of the walls all over. What a nightmare. I just kept thinking what a blessing it was that Jeremy and I stayed home today to work on the pipes, if we weren't there when it happened we would have come home to a house full of water.

Winter... is it over yet?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

5 Month Milestones

Nolan is almost 5 months now. He's been growing like a weed. He was born weighing 7lbs 11oz and 20 1/4 inches long. Today he weighs 16lbs and is about 27 inches long. He loves to make gurgling noises, blow bubbles (or at least try), and laughs at Shelby whenever she walks around him. He's been sitting up on his own for about 5 seconds at a time, then he tumbles over! Sometimes he thinks it's a game, sometimes he's too tired to think it's a game. He can stand up on his own when holding onto something, again that only lasts about 5 seconds, but still not too bad. He loves to stuff everything in his mouth including his hands - a sign of teething soon to come. He also loves to stand up on your lap and laugh at you. He loves to talk and babble, in the middle of his continuous spitting. He has started pulling his legs up to his chest and he loves to hold on to his feet.

He's conquered most of the things a 5 month old should, including recognition of a bottle. Jeremy or I will warm it and as soon as he sees it his little mouth opens wide like a chirping bird. He grabs for it and tries to put it in his mouth, most of the time he puts it in his eye! What more can I say about him, he's getting so big so fast. I'll miss these times as he gets older, but will love the new things we will do together. Soon he'll be sitting up on his own, crawling and walking, these are things I can write about and look back and remember with a smile! For now I will enjoy the new things he does each day and love every second I spend with him.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Date Night

Our first date... well our first date since Nolan arrived. Friday night we enjoyed a night out at the movies, our first night out in a long time just the two of us. I miss it just being the two of us, don't get me wrong, Nolan is the best thing that's happened to us, but sometimes I just miss those moments. Moments not having to worry about: keeping Nolan entertained, finding a place to change him, warming up his bottle, feeding him in the restaurant, burping him in the restaurant (hoping the over the shoulder method doesn't result in excess milk on the people behind us), and all the other things we have to do in order to keep him happy. Aunt Heather and Uncle Chris took him for a couple hours while we went and saw Marley & Me. The movie played out just as our lives have, marriage first, dog next (Shelby, who sometimes resembles Marley) and then kids. Of course there is more to the movie but I won't ruin it for those who haven't seen it.

Nolan behaved for Aunt Heather, the movie was great, and the time spent with my just my husband was even better! I'm sure there will be more movie nights for us in the future, hopefully ones in which (WARNING SPOILER) I won't cry like a baby.