Sunday, December 21, 2008

Pre-Christmas and the Hoeppner's

This weekend we celebrated the Hoeppner Christmas. It was Nolan's first day opening presents (not that he knew what was going on). Jeremy's parents arrived Saturday afternoon in time for dinner and presents. Jim made his wonderful lasagna accompanied with garlic bread and salad. After dinner Grandma Hoeppner dressed Nolan in a Santa outfit (not my idea, mommy thought it was corny) we sat in front of the fire and opened presents for Nolan and ourselves. We are so thankful that Nolan has such wonderful Grandparent's and Aunt's and Uncle's. He received so many great toys, I'm not sure he'll find enough time to play with them all! Christmas day we'll open presents again with Nolan and Grandma and Grandpa Watson. After Christmas we'll drive up north and celebrate with Jeremy's side of the family and then with my brother and sister in law. This year we'll make a special trip to Detroit to see Nolan's Great Grandma Watson and spend the day with Aunts and Uncles in Detroit. One Christmas down, 3 more to go!

All of Nolan's great presents!

His new Radio Fyler wagon (we can't wait till spring and we can take Shelby and Nolan for walks)

Aunt Heather and Nolan

Uncle Chris and Nolan

Grandma and Nolan in his Santa suit

Nolan and Grandpa Hoeppner


Alysia said...

I had forgotten how much Jeremy's dad looks like Kenny Rogers:) It cracks me up!! Sounds like you have a busy week/weekend ahead. We are having a low-key holiday this year. In some sad, sad way, I miss the hustle and bustle. Have a wonderful Christmas and we can talk early next week about New Years Eve if you guys are still interested.