Saturday, December 6, 2008

Big Boy

Yesterday was Nolan's 4 month appt at the doctor's. He passed with flying colors! He weighs 12lbs 11.5oz and is 24 inches long. He's ranking in the 25th percentile for heighth and weight, but his head is measuring in the 50th percentile. He has an extra large head for his body! We're trying to beef him up a little so his body matches the size of his head. The doctor suggested we start introducing rice cereal and foods. Well last night was our first attempt at rice cereal. I'm not sure if it was how I made it or what, but he wasn't too impressed. I think I put too much formula in the mix, so today we'll make another attempt with less formula. Hopefully in a month he'll get his tongue working right and we can introduce foods - that'll be interesting!!!!


Alysia said...

Try using less formula, the thicker the better at least that is the way Matthew liked it. Also, I mixed a little fruit(baby food stage 1) in it to give it a little flavor. You'll be amazed how quickly he gets the hang of it. I started giving Matthew cereal at 10 weeks b/c he was never full. I didn't tell the doctor though!!

Jeremy and Megan said...

Good to hear, I was a little worried, he really didn't like it all that much. I've only been giving him a tablespoon and he barely eats half. Thicker worked better this time but he still wasn't a big fan. I'll try the fruit tomorrow and let you know how that works!!! Thanks :)