Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Back to the old way

So, last night was the second night in a row I went without much sleep. After our eventful evening Friday night we continued to leave Nolan unswaddled. Saturday and Sunday night he slept wonderfully. I thought, boy this was easy! Oh, how I was mistaken... Monday night he woke up 4 times from 1:30am-4am. At 4am I had the last straw, Jeremy got up and swaddled him and sure enough he was back to sleep and slept silently till 6am. I thought for sure he would do better Tuesday night since he didn't sleep that much Monday night. Again, I was wrong (seems to be the theme of the week). At 2am the whining started, at the advise of my mother-in-law, I would just let him cry a little in hopes he would calm himself back to sleep. By 2:15 the whining began a slight sob, by 2:30 the sobs turned into a crying that made him more and more upset. There was no way he was going back to sleep on his own. I decided for my own sanity it would be best to lose the idea of sleeping free and go back to swaddling. It worked like a charm. He slept till after 6 and I didn't hear one peep out of him from 2:30 on. With two weeks vacation coming up we might just try again, until then we're going back to the old way and wrapping him nice and tight!


Alysia said...

Good idea!I'm sure when he is ready to be unswaddled he will sleep. I had a friend who swaddled until almost 7 months. Matthew never liked to be swaddled so I have very little experience in this department.

Jeremy and Megan said...

Last night was great, he slept and I didn't hear one peep out of him all night. I'm going to get the next size up swaddler and hopefully that will get him through the next month or so and then we can try again. I just feel like he's old enough not to be swaddled but he just loves it. I'm not going without it for awhile!