Thursday, December 18, 2008

Aunt Heather and the Sux

In my attempt to lose some "baby weight" (who are we kidding I needed to lose weight before I had Nolan), I went to the gym after work. Since Jeremy had basketball and I wouldn't get home till later our sister-in-law, Heather, watched Nolan for a couple hours. I walked in to pick Nolan up and to my surprise I found him in this wonderful new outfit! After we got home, I left Nolan in his car seat so Daddy would take him out and find this early Christmas present. When I told him he better check out what his Heather did to Nolan he knew right away!

She wanted a picture for her album, so in order for the picture to be taken Jeremy had to redeem himself and put him on the Cubs quilt! Just wait Aunt Heather... Your time will come!


Alysia said...

Hey at least he is wearing a jersey of a baseball team that has won a world series in the last 100 years...oh I mean 101 years.

Jeremy and Megan said...

Oh lord, pls tell me you're not a sux fan too!