Friday, November 28, 2008

One down, One to go!

So I managed to conquer one holiday, now only one more to go! As usual it was more of the same, driving all over Indiana to visit family. It makes it so hard with a 3 month old - feeding in the car, changing, cleaning up spit up, and all the other wonderful stuff that comes with having a baby. As I titled, one down, one more to go.

Thanksgiving for me means time to shop! Black Friday is something I look forward to for months prior to Thanksgiving. This morning, my Mom, my Aunt (her sister), and I got up at 4am to hit the road for some great deals. Of course we had to make a stop for coffee on the way. Coffee is a must at 4:30 in the morning. We hit Wal-mart right at 5am, spent an hour there and then headed to Target. We were in and out of there in 40 minutes (after a second round of coffee, this time the necessity - Starbucks)! To my surprise that was just what I needed - we had a second boost of energy, or what I call an double shot high. We were off to Old Navy and Kohl's. After picking up most everything I was looking for, and a lot more (I went crazy on toys at Kohl's for Nolan's first Christmas) we were headed home. It was great - and start October 2009 I'll be searching the internet for black Friday ads posted early.