Sunday, November 23, 2008


So this is my first blog post... I don't know if I should be excited or scared, scared that I don't know what the heck on doing on this thing. It can't be that hard right???? It's Sunday night and we're watching Sunday night football. Nolan is sleeping in Papa's arms. My Mom is here from Granger for a couple days for doctors appointments. She complains that she has to keep seeing her doctors since it's been 7 years since her bone marrow transplant, but she's alive and that's what we're grateful for. The past 7 years and the time we've spent with her, the grandchildren she has now and the wonderful things she's been able to accomplish after her transplant. I sit here and think of this as my best friends Dad is dying from ALS(Lou Gehrig's disease). He was just diagnosed in May of this year and won't make it past tonight. What a horrible thing to have to go through, watching your parent die, right in front of your eyes. I remember there were many mornings I'd wake up and pray that today wasn't the day. I can't begin to imagine what it's like for her, especially so close to the holidays, but can only pray for her and her family. As I do this, I have to thank God and tell him how grateful I am for all the work the doctor's have done for my Mom, all the hospital stays I thought she'd never get to come home from, of course I'm VERY thankful/grateful for my Mom's donor - without her my Mom wouldn't be here today. She and her family have become a special part of our family. She has inspired me as a person because of the little things she has given in order to save a life. In October of this year I registered myself on the bone marrow list. Doing so little to save a life, how can I not? If any of you are reading this please take the time to visit this website and take time out of your life to save someone else's life. In closing, please keep my friend and her family in your prayer's as they struggle through this difficult time in their lives and be grateful for the time you have with family and friends.


The Engler Pirtles said...

Hi fellow blogger! Welcome to the blogging world. Hope to see photos of your cute family on here soon. Will certainly keep your friend in our thoughts. :)

Jeremy and Megan said...

Your going to have help me with this blog thing! I figure it can't be that hard, but you never know!