Thursday, December 17, 2009


These past couple weeks have been a week of firsts! First, we moved into our new house, Nolan's first night in our new house went well - better than I anticipated. He's been adjusting more and more each day. Now we just need to work on breaking him of that binky!!! We'll work on tackling that battle during vacation.

This past weekend was the first weekend our niece Abby was down to visit for the weekend (not sure she'll be allowed to come back since we returned her sick :( ) The kids had a WONDERFUL time. Nolan just loved playing with his cousin Abby. This was the first time since he's been born that they've been able to play together all weekend long. We are calling this the cousin sleepover, hopefully we can do it each year - this year was the first for the cousin sleepover.

Ready for nigh nigh (you see Abby stole Grandma's cell phone)

Here's a pic of my new kitchen, sort of!! I chopped off the kids heads and got the dogs!
Mr. Photogenic
Grandma and two sleepy kids!

Abby dancing
Saedee will take anything, the kids were sitting on her all weekend.
The kids found a plastic tub to play in kept them busy for, well, minutes.

Red Flyer tricycle rides, Jeremy took them all around the kitchen and they were loving it!

Big Cheese!!!

Kisses for the cousins, Love this picture!
And the fighting begins...

We had another Big event this week, Nolan had his first hair cut!! He was in desperate need of it. Not that his hair was long, it was just shaggy in some areas. It was growing over his ears and the back was getting curly and shaggy. Daddy held him on his lap and I took pictures and video. Love his zebra cape, Jeremy hated it but it was super cute!!!

Look Mom, Neely has snow flakes hanging from her studio!! Cheap and free entertainment while getting a hair cut.

What a look!
Nolan loves to brush and comb his own hair.
Just enough around my ears. Looks like a little boy hair cut!