Tuesday, April 14, 2009

7 & 8 Month updates

Boy it's been a couple busy weeks, actually months! We've got our house on the market, we've got showings each week, so it feels like all we do is clean, keep the house clean, and arrange for Shelby to go to Aunt Heather and Uncle Chris'. Still no bites, but we're hoping something happens soon. We remodeled the bathroom, put in a new double vanity, painted, and installed new light fixtures. Hopefully it'll help - SOON! We're eager to get into a new house and to get settled into something with a basement and 3 car garage.

The week has been very hard on our family. My grandmother suffered a massive stroke last week. She recovered from a stroke in November of last year and was doing wonderfully, to the point her doctors were amazed how well she recovered. Unfortunately, there is a high risk a stroke patient will have a another stroke following recovery. This time the stroke has put her in a coma and she will not be able to return to us again. She is currently in hospital hospice with my aunts and family by her side. I'm so thankful that Nolan got to meet his Great Grandma, he may not remember her, but I have pictures to show him when he gets older. I'm also thankful Grandma got to meet Nolan, actually just a few hours after he was born and a couple other times. She has been a huge impact on our lives and we'll miss her a great deal. I keep her in my prayers and know that one day we'll meet again. She's going to soon be in a safe place where she'll be with her family and Grandpa again. Please keep our family in your prayers over the next couple weeks while we go through these tough times.

Grandma and Nolan at Abby's 1st Birthday party.

Nolan has been growing so much. He's almost crawling. He can get on his hands and knees and rock. I would say in the next couple weeks he'll be mobile. Our lives will soon change forever. :) He's been rolling all over the house, one day I was cooking in the kitchen and he was in the family room playing with his toys. It was awful quiet, I look over and sure enough he had rolled all the way into the kitchen. Time to baby proof the house and especially the light sockets! In the past couple days I've noticed he's started to kiss me, well I guess you can call it a kiss. I will lean in to give him a kiss and he'll lean back and open his mouth a little. It's so cute! He's growing so quick, but I know there are so many other milestones I'll be able to write about soon! August is coming quick, his 1 year birthday will be here soon. It's time for me to start planning his party!!!!

Bath time! Nolan loves to suck on his little rubber ducky. He's a very active little bath boy. Always kicking and splashing, talking and singing.

Such a cute little naked baby. How he's going to kill me when he gets older.

Getting jammies on after the bath. I can actually comb his hair!

8 Months, now I have to strap him in his chair, he likes to move around A LOT and sometimes has figured out how to bend over the sides of the chair and stand up a little. BOYS!

On his hands and knees, almost crawling. He can get up on his hands and knees and rock, but doesn't quite move yet. I'm sure it'll only be the next couple weeks!

He can now sit up on his own, I mean his own without worrying about him falling all the time. He still will throw himself back or to the side when he wants to get on his tummy to roll around. He's doing really good with his balance.

What's that a remote? I'll take that to play with over my toys any day.
YUMMY - he could chew on the remote all day if I let him.


Alysia said...

We will be keeping your family in our thoughts and prayers. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask. We need to get together soon!!